One Hope Kids

Our Kids’ Ministry is led by adults who love to see kids learn about God’s love in a fun, safe environment. Kids Church, summer camps, Parents’ Night Out, and other events are scheduled to serve families with preschool and grade school children. To find out more, visit our “Next Steps” page.

Serving Teams

We believe that the local church resembles the body of Christ. Just as there are many members in a body, our volunteer teams make up for the hands and feet that help toward the effective functioning of the various ministries in our church.

​We are always looking for members to step up, serve, and train upcoming leaders to serve with One Hope church in order to expand the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

​If you are looking to serve, and be a part in any one of our ministries, we would love to chat with you.

Community Group

Our community group is a time for us to gather to study God's word, to share prayer needs, and to discuss life experiences together in a safe place. We meet in a home to provide a more casual atmosphere. Typically, we start off with some light snacks and conversation before moving into our study and prayer.

Community group is open to all persons and there is no pressure to share. Please message us for the current meeting location and schedule.